Ostrava 20/21 VIII 2022
Great results of our cats at the FIFe show in Ostrava:
CH Rakija Liliowy Zakątek*PL (BSH e) : 1xCACIB, completed International Champion title, 1xCAGCIB, NOM BIS
GIC Anabella Cherry Land*PL (BSH c) : 2xCACS, NOM BIS, BEST IN SHOW Female cat III
NW SC Unbelievable of Czankra*PL (BSH a) JW, DVM, DSM :2xHP, 2xBEST IN VARIETY, NOM BIS, BEST IN SHOW Male cat III
We are especially pleased with Unbelievable results, who is coming back to the shows after 2 years break. Being 9,5 years old he is still in excellent shape♥️